Determination of Trace Arsine and Phosphine in Polymer Grade Ethylene & Propylene by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 2018
Category: UOP
UOP 1035-19
Determination of Trace Chloromethane, Chloroethene, and Dichloromethane in Polymer Grade Ethylene and Propylene by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 2019
UOP 1006-14
Trace Silicon in Petroleum Liquids by ICP-MS
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 04/01/2014
UOP 555-10
Trace Impurities in Benzene by GC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 11/01/2010
UOP 1003-13
Trace Metals in Methanol by ICP-OES
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 09/01/2013
UOP 373-83
Composition of C2 Through C5 Hydrocarbon Gas Mixtures by Gas Chromatography
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1983
UOP 303-07
Impurities in Catalysts by ICP-OES
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 05/31/2007
UOP 303-05
Impurities in Catalysts by ICP-OES
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/2005
UOP 543-11
Trace Non-Aromatic Hydrocarbons in High-Purity Aromatics by GC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/2011
UOP 395-95
Total Chloride in Petroleum Distillates by Colorimetry
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1995