AS 1742.11-1999

Manual of uniform traffic control devices – Parking controls
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1999

AS 1852.806-1988

International electrotechnical vocabulary – Recording and reproduction of sound and video
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1988

AS 2374.7-1997

Power transformers – Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1997

AS ISO 37106:2020

Sustainable cities and communities – Guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities
standard by Standards Australia, 06/19/2020

AS 3732.1-1990

Computer graphics – Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) – Functional description
standard by Standards Australia, 02/16/1990

AS 1742.2-2009

Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 2: Traffic control devices for general use
standard by Standards Australia, 03/16/2009

AS 4708 GN01-2013

Sustainable Forest Management – Guidance for the certification of forest management (Guidance Note 01 to AS4708-2013)
standard by Standards Australia, 08/23/2013

AS 1931.1-1996

High-voltage test techniques – General definitions and test requirements
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1996