AS IEC 61511.3:2018

Functional Safety – Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector, Part 3: Guidance for the determination of the required safety integrity levels
standard by Standards Australia, 11/02/2018

AS 4482.1-2005

Guide to the investigation and sampling of sites with potentially contaminated soil – Non-volatile and semi-volatile compounds
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2005

AS ISO 10993.10-2003

Biological evaluation of medical devices – Tests for irritation and delayed type hypersensitivity
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2003

AS 4079-1992

Information technology – 130 mm rewritable optical disk cartridge for information interchange
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1992

AS 3500.2-1990

National Plumbing and Drainage Code – Sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage
standard by Standards Australia, 10/01/1990

AS 60155:2018

Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps (IEC 60155 Ed. 4.0, 1993 MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 09/07/2018

AS 5144.5:2015

Industrial trucks – Safety requirements and verification – Pedestrian-propelled trucks
standard by Standards Australia, 06/29/2015